Welcome to the Directory

Welcome to the Perinatal Directory.

We’re so glad you have found us here on your journey!


[ per-uh-neyt-l ]


  1. occurring during or pertaining to the phase surrounding the time of birth, from the twentieth week of gestation to the twenty-eighth day of newborn life

Ok, so we’ve been a bit cheeky and actually we’re here to help from the moment you even think of conceiving, right up to your little ones first birthday (and a bit beyond), but this is the period of Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum.

This Directory highlights businesses and services within Nelson and Tasman (New Zealand), that will enrich your journey to Motherhood. The way our villages are built are so different from the traditional inter-generational built in systems from generations back.

While I’m always one to romanticise that one day we will be back there, getting all our needs met by the ones we love, friends, family, members of our community bringing us fresh baked cake and lasagne, I know we’re not there… yet.

Our community, however, is full of knowledgeable, open, whole hearted, beautiful services that are devoted to, or specialise in, honouring your needs during this time. We’re working to gather them all together so you know you’re not alone. And to save you a bit of time.

Not everyone will need everyone of these services, but they are there to fill in the gaps, to show you this time of your life is magical, that you deserve to be seen, heard and held in your transition to motherhood in a way that honours you.

Feeling supported as you navigate this journey has so many benefits. Not only are supported women less likely to suffer from Depression and Anxiety Postpartum, but being educated and empowered around your birth and transition to Motherhood improves outcomes for successful breastfeeding, cognitive development for your baby and bonding for you both.
While on the outside we may look like ‘just a Directory’, we believe in supporting the Mental Wellbeing of Mothers. That’s why you can also find us Monthly at our Mothers Circles or you can contact us any time and we’ll help find the support that’s right for you!


Your body deserves to be healthy, supported. It goes through immense change, it is normal and it’s an adjustment. We want to normalise pelvic floor health, realigning your self through Physio, Chiropractor and Osteopath appointments and attending exercise classes designed for your evolving body during pregnancy and postpartum. It is possible to get some of these funded through ACC or GP referral so always remember to ask when booking.
Your muscles stretch your joints ache; massage is a beautiful way to be held and ease your body, it is not just a luxury but a support mechanism.

Breastfeeding is natural and is an amazing way to bond with your baby while providing them with nutrients and protection, but it is a journey that’s not always easy; breastfeeding support is accessible to everybody, we have a local La Leche League with (free) monthly meetings and private consultants too!

And let’s not forget that a huge part of a positive postpartum and breastfeeding journey is being a well nourished Mama! This is one of the easiest ways our friends and family can get involved, but also our community has so many options if you need a little more help. Reaching out to Bellyful and ‘The Big Bake Up’ as well as Kai Collective is a great way to get filling meals on our tables.


During your pregnancy and postpartum journey your mind is flooded with hormones, your frontal cortex (that’s the thinking part) shrinks! Baby brain is a real thing, it allows us to drop into our emotions, and be present with our baby, so we can pick up on their cues and have more patience for all those monotonous routines such as nappy changes. Adjusting to our new normal isn’t easy and everyone needs someone to talk to that understands and can help take the load off.
This is a whole new chapter of life for you, you wouldn’t jump out of plane or even start a new job without educating yourself first, birth and motherhood deserves the same.
We have helplines, counsellors, groups, workshops, parenting groups, educators, birthworkers all ready to walk beside you.


Spiritually, where do I start. There’s a saying ‘When a baby is born, so is a mother’ and if that’s not reason enough for it to feel like a Spiritual rebirth I don’t know what is!
Doula’s are an amazing way to hold space for you as you find your new way with your babe in arms, from debriefing your birth, bringing you kai and tenderly to gently helping you connect with your intuition. They are also wonderful advocates for you and your whanau.

And I know everyone says “it goes by so fast” but it’s sadly true, the days really are long and the years really are short, it can be hard for it not all to seem like a blur. Adding ritual can ground us amongst what can feel like chaos. Often we think of these as ‘luxuries’ or ‘not for us’ but when we look back, feeling seen in a ‘Mothers Circle’ or honoured at a ‘Mother Blessing’ can define our Motherhood. 
To help you remember those moments along the way, we’ve got  some kickass photographers that capture that perfect bump shot, the first precious 24hours or even the moment your babe takes their first breath. We’re even lucky enough to have a jeweller who’ll turn that liquid gold breastmilk or first hair into a keepsake piece.

This is my labour of love, I hope it is a gift to you.
One mama to another.
You’re not alone, we’re together in this.


Five Key Reasons Why Every Mother Should Practice Gratitude


Surviving Pregnancy by Dulkara Martig