Inspirational reads, informative articles and helpful sites. Chosen by local Mamas, Doulas and Midwives to enhance your journey and deepen your knowledge.



  • Podcasts

    • The Better Birth Podcast - An informative and casual podcast series by hypnobirthing and antenatal instructor Erin Fung of Better Birth, talking all things, you guessed it, BIRTH!

    • The Midwives Cauldron - Katie James and Dr Rachel Reed

  • Books

    • Ten Moon: The Inner Journey of Pregnancy - Jane Hardwick Collings

    Books to talk about Loss

    • Worst Girl Gang Ever - Bex Gun & Laura Buckingham

    Great reads in Pregnancy to prepare you for birth

    • Why Did No One Tell Me This - Natalia Hailes and Ash Spivak

    • The Birth Partner : a complete guide to childbirth for dads, partners, doulas, and all other labor companions - Penny Simkin

    • Reclaiming Childbirth as a Rite of Passage: Weaving Ancient Wisdom with Modern Knowledge - Rachel Reed

    • Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth - Ina May

    • Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering - Dr. Sarah Buckley

    • The Business of Being Born - American Documentary

    • Birth Time - Australian Documentary

    • Orgasmic Birth - Documenting how birth can be pleasurable

  • Websites

    • Find Your Midwife - The first thing to do once you’re pregnant. The sooner you do this the more chance you have of finding one that aligns with your values.

    • NZ Doulas - Find Birth and postpartum Doulas near you to support your transition into motherhood emotionally, physically and spiritually

    • Matrescence NZ - Specialised antenatal classes and education for parents and professionals

    • Spinning babies- You and your baby are working together. Your job is to dilate, baby’s job is to rotate. Empower both of you for easier childbirth with our program of daily activities, body balancing techniques, and smarter birth positions. You, too, may have a more comfortable, confident birth.

    • Better Birth - Although UK based Erin is great at making international Evidence Based Research into easy to understand and accessible.

    • EMPWR - Antenatal Courses - Compassionate, holistic antenatal classes celebrating the LGBTQIA+ community



Have you found a podcast, book, article not included here that made a huge difference to you? Get in touch, we’d love to discover it too!

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