Every April 'The Big Latch On' is celebrated globally.
Our bodies are so amazing, I love any event that seeks to celebrate the ways in which we nurture our babies.
Every Mama is welcome.
Not breastfeeding? Or has your breastfeeding journey finished? Not a problem! We want to celebrate all mothers nourishing their babies and helping them grow past and present.
It just also happens to be the last day of our crowdfunding... an added reason to celebrate!
Make sure you check out our campaign here https://pledgeme.co.nz/.../7806-the-perinatal-directory...
Rosie from Inner Rising will be coming along to talk about how you can support yourself naturally in breastfeeding and postpartum.
We'll have morning tea with some of our local midwives and plunket.
New World and Patisserie Royale and local midwives have kindly donated morning tea, so come and join us, bring your little ones and let’s celebrate!
Spot prizes from Haakaa, Awwa, Potters Patch, Ritual Rising and more!
We can't wait to see you!