Close Enough to Kiss
I’m Elisabeth, mother to an amazing (not so) little girl and a very smiley baby boy. I grew up in Germany but moved to New Zealand in 2009 and am now calling beautiful sunny Nelson my home.
My journey into babywearing began, when my daughter was born in 2016. I’m still glad to this day that I got introduced to a stretchy wrap during my antenatal class and this is where I started… but not where I stopped.
In early 2017 I joined Babywearing Nelson Library as a volunteer and shortly after took over managing the library with a couple of other volunteers.
I quickly realized that I love helping mums wear their babies safely and comfortably and wanted to spread the word about babywearing in the Nelson region. I started holding mini workshops at parenting courses like Baby & You and Space.
In 2018 I completed a Peer Supporter Training with Slingababies NZ and in 2020 I trained as a Babywearing Consultant with the Australian Babywearing Association. Since then I have supported many families on their babywearing journey.
My background is in Social Work, but I much prefer using my Social Worker skills by educating and helping other mums on their babywearing journey.
Private babywearing support session, Group information session, Mini workshops at parenting classes
Contact Details:
Elisabeth Schmidt
Facebook: closeenoughtokissnz
Instagram: @closeenoughtokissnz